One Hundred Years of Solitude / by Karie Luidens

My review of...

One Hundred Years of Solitude
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez 
Harper, 2003 (first published 1967)
click to buy on Amazon

I imagine attempting to spend one hundred years in solitude would leave you a bit loopy, even hallucinatory. Wading through Márquezs novel simulates this somewhat: you lose your sense of whats real and what isnt and which sort of motives make sense in a person. Really, it was all I could do to keep track of the sprawling Buendía familys sprawling story lines. 

Márquez is clearly a creative genius and his prose is beautiful. Its no wonder he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. If youd like to lose yourself in hours of artful description, an enchanting/enchanted version of the Colombian rainforest awaits you. 

But personally I wasnt up for all seven generations of this saga. The paragraphs ramble to disorienting lengths and the characters lose themselves in delusions as thick as the jungle in which they live. I guess my reality is a bit less magical than Macondos: the librarys due date cut my hundred years short.