A Drawing a Day: Democracy Edition

On the last day of September 2020, I woke up so utterly bummed that I could barely bring myself to get out of bed.

Eventually I had to, because, dogs. Dogs need feeding and walking. (And whatever dog-bodies need, my own animal-body needs too, so, thanks guys.)

And then there’s this: I didn’t want to spend the next month wallowing under the covers, overwhelmed by awfulness and paralyzed by dread. Not if I could help it. So, here’s what I resolved.

Six months earlier, I created an art project to deal with pandemic anxiety. That became “A Drawing a Day,” which is archived here: A Drawing a Day.

Now, it was time to revive that project to deal with election depression. And to advocate for democracy! With art. Yay.

We had a month till the general election would decide the fate of this country and all the people who live here. Also, the planet and all the people who live on it. Also, the rest of our planetary ecosystem: the soil, the air, the forests, the coral reefs. Monarch butterflies. Some whales. Blah blah, you get it.

Here was my tiny contribution, posted daily to Facebook and Instagram: 30+ days of encouragement to vote, rendered more or less artistically.

Let’s Do This!

For easier reading, you can view all the images and their captions in article form here.