A Drawing a Day

Toward the end of March 2020, the spreading Covid-19 pandemic forced most workplaces to shutter. I was lucky enough to have a white collar job I could continue performing remotely, and a safe home in which to shelter… indefinitely.

Still, two weeks in, I realized I’d been feeling anxious, cooped up day and night reading all the no good very bad news. To keep myself from spiraling into nervous despair, I needed to institute a new distracting, self-calming activity: daily drawings!

Each day’s illustration is commissioned by someone from my far-flung community of fellow self-isolators. I put out a call for submissions: texting family members, Zooming with friends, and posting on Facebook. A dozen suggestions poured in by the end of the first day. Thanks, everyone!

The first two requests came from my niece and nephew. Without further ado… click to enlarge and read about each daily drawing below!

Some drawings have essay-length captions. For easier reading, you can also see weekly collections published on Medium: Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8